we started this activity from the year 2012, now this is our 7th year and once again we launched our calendar on time and like every year we will get million downloads of this calendar. This complete Calendar contain Many useful Information about Days and Dates. Marathi Festivals depend on geographic location and might differ for two cities and difference is quite noticeable for cities in different time zone. In maharashtra festivals are determined based on the position of the Sun and the Moon. If you need to keep the Pdf version of this calendar then you can click the Download link given below. This Activity started in 2012 and Its 9th year we are publishing the free marathi e.calendar. Its include complete information about Year 2020 and available in Pdf and Android Versions. You can download this Ecalendar for Free. Its basically E marathi calendar which is easy to keep in mobiles and computer. This is specially designed calendar for the people who like the carry calendar in computer or mobiles. Marathi Unlimited Creatives launched Marathi calendar for year 2020 in Association with Aditya infotech Nagpur. “Marathi Calendar 2020 Olakh Marashtrachi”.

This calendar consist of information on festivals and Many more. Marathi Calendar for Year 2020 with complete information about days and dates for the year.